1. The initiator must have the Soul Transfer Tablet to proceed.
(In this example, Dreamstalker is the
initiator, and Garseer is the receiver.)
2. Ctrl+Click on the receiver, and a window will appear like below.

Cllick “Transfer Force” to continue.
3. On the receiver’s screen, it will ask for confirmation.
If the receiver agrees, this window will appear.
4. The receiver may then use this window to review the things that will be transferred.
!! Please review again before proceeding to minimize making any mistakes.!!
The receiver, then may pay the initiator for the transfer and press ok.
5. Finally, Both will be asked to finalize the decision. If both agree, it will then “transfer”
the characters.
** Everything except for the honor, karma, battle points, faction and gold will be
transferred. Thereby, the receiver’s appearance may change also.**
FAQ about the Soul Transfer System
1. I’m level 11. Can I transfer my character to my friend’s level 34 character?
- No, Soul Transfer can only be done from a high level character to a low level character.
2. How many times can I do it?
- There is no limit.
3. Do both characters have to be the same sex and/or job?
- No, they don’t have to be.
4. I’m level 36. The initiator’s level is 42. If I’m the receiver, does
my level become 78?
- Soul Transfer System is not for combining character information; it is for “transfering” them. Therefore
your level will be the initiator’s level, 42.
5. Can time-limited items be transferred too?
- Yes.
Below is a hypothetical situation to help understand
the Soul Transfer System better.
- Garuth is a Ruthless Blade (Male), Zhuang, level 70.
- Dreamstalker
is a Piercing Eyes (Female), Shao, level 40.
1. Garuth is the initiator in this case. He has to have the
Soul Transfer Tablet.
2. Dreamstalker is the receiver. He has to unequip, and empty his inventory.
3. Both characters
have to secede from their houses.
4. Garuth initiates the process, Dreamstalker reviews and accepts with 100 gold.
5. Garuth becomes a Piercing Eyes
(Female) and turns level 1, while faction staying the same (Zhuang), receiving 100 gold.
6. Dreamstalker becomes level
70 Ruthless Blade (Male), faction stays the same (Shao). Garuth's previous skills, stats, quest, equips, inventory now
all become Dreamstalker's.
7. However, Honor, Karma, Battle points do not change for both characters. Also the amount
of gold stays the same (Unless the receiver agreed to pay the initiator some gold. Then the initiator will end up with
the gold he/she had in the first place + the amount of gold receiver paid.)