Hero Online Builds
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Written by Ziolent, Modified by ZOMG05

When playing Hero Online, it's important to choose a stat build that suits your personality. Not doing so can result in an early delete of your character, and possibly the game. Use this guide to get a good understanding of the viable stat builds in Hero.

Stat Builds :
The STR/INT Build
SHORT DESCRIPTION: The most common build, STR/INT can level up easily, and PvP well. Relies on defense armor and defensive skills for protection.
HOW TO BUILD: 147 STR, 15 DEX, rest INT. Add more STR as you see fit.

STRENGTH: Heavy skill damage, great skill defense.
WEAKNESS: Low defense to normal attacks.
SUITED CLASSES: Musa, Champion, Tracker, Slayer, Combat Medic.
SUITED WEAPONS: Blade, Spear, Axe, dual blades, pentacord 
WHEN TO BUILD: Start by getting your weapon's requirement of STR. Then add INT 'till you have 15. Add DEX 'till you have 15. Pile the rest into STR until you get 100 STR, adding enough INT for the LV25 skills when needed. Then pile the rest into INT. Add STR when needed for weapons.

The STR/DEX Build
SHORT DESCRIPTION: The STR/DEX build is very rare. It can become almost impossible to level, but they excel in PvP combat against STR/INT characters.
HOW TO BUILD: 50 INT, DEX for next weapon, rest STR.

STRENGTH: Heavy normal damage, great normal defense, high health.
WEAKNESS: Low defense to skill attacks, hard to level.
SUITED CLASSES: Musa, Slayer, Shinobi, Ranger, Combat Medic.
WHEN TO BUILD: Add enough INT to use skills (up to 50 INT), enough DEX to use the DEX weapon for your level, and the rest into STR.

The DEX/INT Build
SHORT DESCRIPTION: The ultimate in leveling experience. While the DEX/INT build can't level as fast as STR/INT, it's a smoother ride. Also, can't PvP.
HOW TO BUILD: 50-80 STR, DEX for next weapon, rest INT. Add/reduce STR when you see fit. Try not to become a hybrid!

STRENGTH: Great normal defense, great skill defense.
WEAKNESS: Low health.
SUITED CLASSES: Musa, Surgeon, Combat Medic.
SUITED WEAPONS: Sword, Bow, Throwing, Rod, Gauntlets, dual rods, pentacord
WHEN TO BUILD: Add 1 STR every level until you get the amount of STR you want. Add enough DEX to use the weapon for your level. Pile the rest into INT.


Pure INT build.


STRENGTH: Great normal defense, great skill defense.
WEAKNESS: Low health/Skill Damage 
SUITED CLASSES: musa,  Tracker.
SUITED WEAPONS: Sword, Spear, Penticord, Bow, Dual blades.
WHEN TO BUILD: Add 2 - 4 str every lvl untill you get to 50 - 80  str, add 1 - 2 dex untill you get to 50 - 75 dex, rest int.

The Pure STR Build
SHORT DESCRIPTION: More of a "for-fun" build, pure STR hits for big numbers, and is mainly for PvP only. It requires a lot of money for leveling up, so it's best suited as an alt character.

STRENGTH: Heavy normal attack, high health.
WEAKNESS: Low defense to all, no accuracy.
SUITED CLASSES: Musa, Slayer, Ranger, Tracker.
SUITED WEAPONS: Blade, Spear, Axe, dual blades
WHEN TO BUILD: Easy; add enough STR for level 2 weapon requirements, get to 35 INT, then pile the rest into STR.

The Hybrid Build
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Everyone learns to hate it. Hybrids are only moderate in all categories, and that is their downfall.
HOW TO BUILD: STR for next weapon, DEX for next weapon, rest INT.

STRENGTH: Nothing is bad.
WEAKNESS: Nothing is great.
WHEN TO BUILD: Whenever you see fit to add stat points.

Just because classes are "suited" for a build doesn't mean you have to be one of those classes. Choose the class that interests you, but just remember that the class skills you get with them might not work out as well as you expect.
While writing this guide, I realized there was only four STR weapons.

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